Could this be a journey of our little miracle?

0 - 1st week
We went in to see our FS Dr JS with the intention to kick-start the IVF journey. He told us off for being silly to start IVF now, especially when we have figured out the root cause and have fixed it, and the fact that I’m still young (well, maybe in the modern world, pregnancy age has risen and therefore I am now part of the younger category statistics!).  He also said IVF is invasive and as we all know, expensive. So, I started Clomid (minimal dose) on Day 5 for 5 days.

1st - 2nd week
On Day 12th I had a scan to track the ovulation progress and it looks like 2 eggs were progressing quite well, but not mature enough.  Day 14th I went for another scan and he mentioned that they are ready (1.9 and 2.1 in measurement).

2nd - 3rd week (technically conception / gestation week)
I had to track if there was an LH (Luteinising Hormone) surge to indicate upcoming ovulation and it was negative. So I had to “induce ovulation” by self-injecting Pregnyl (but I couldn’t do it myself – I can’t even poke the straw properly into a bubble tea cup, so the husband took the honour of doing so).

(Obviously that is not a picture of me, my tummy is a little flabbier ;) but you get the picture. The image does not belong to me – taken from google images search)

And as you know, it takes 2 to tango – and with the scans and monitoring, it helps to narrow down the window for when the sperm needs to perform!
Pregnyl did funny things to me. Well, it is after all HCG – amazing what a little bit of hormone can do the body.

3rd - 4th week
This week is the waiting and guessing week. I started having pre-menstrual symptoms. Light cramps, a bit of sore boobs. I have learnt to not have expectation – plenty of negatives test in the past. Funny thing is, I started having craving for spicy food. Normally when it is close to the start of a period cycle, I crave for sweet drinks, like Ribena. And for some reason I was waking up several times in the night to pee! I just assumed it was bad sleep and too much liquid before bedtime! 

4th to 5th week
With the ovulation induction I was expecting the period to come within a normal cycle (<30 days). Late.  Stress can delay period too, and that had happened many times to me in the past – once I have tested negative, the period normally comes soon after because the brain finally relaxes and realised that it is a no, and time to move on!

I waited for day 33 to test it – if it is no, it should trigger the period, but if it yes, it would be good timing to share the good news with the hubby on his birthday!

The 2 lines appeared almost at the same time. It was the first time ever that it has ever been this clear and quick. I was in some sort of shock and sat on the thought for a while. I walked around the house, outside and was still not convinced. But well, rarely it is a false positive so perhaps it is true. I placed it in a Coach paper bag and told the hubby that I have a second birthday gift for him.

He asked me “Really?” and was rather expressionless when he saw what was in the bag. I guess he was in the same state as I was half an hour earlier. In a little shock and a little wary.

Only way to be sure – blood test. I had a referral for blood test from ages ago, for HCG and Progesterone. Rang my doctor (his secretary of course) and was advised to go ahead with the blood test.

Dr JS called me the next morning and shared the results, the good news. HCG levels are high, which is good (400+) and progesterone even better (200+). At 4 weeks 4 days, this level is comparatively higher than others, but everyone is different. No wonder I started having many night pee sessions the very first week - blame it all on the HCG level. Booked in for a scan at the end of the 6th week.

5th to 6th week
Meanwhile I continue to have light cramps and every time I’m in the toilet I was scared to find some spotting or blood. At the same time, I do feel confident. I feel that this is a sticky one (or two) and they will do their best to turn into our little miracle(s).  

Still craving for spicy food. Nausea started to kick in, but manageable. Exhausted by the time I get home from work. Less cramping, but tummy is getting a little bloated.

6th to 7th week
Fat or bloat (apparently too early for baby bump), perhaps I’ll leave it for you to judge.  
Taken at exactly 6th week. 

Still a long way to go...


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