Jojo was the nicest friend ever. We were so lucky to be able to grow up with him. He thought us how to love animals, and how to be loved.

I was told that he was part of a family who migrated and moved in with us after. Jojo was a kind gentle soul. The neighbours all loved him. He didn’t bark at people he knew and often we are surprised that our friends are suddenly in our house! He was a good guard dog against strangers though!

(As you can probably tell, he is not a fan of being in the photo - oh how we love you!)

I recalled the time when he met a female friend, a stray. They had puppies together. My parents gave the rest away and we kept one – Black Jack (he was a black dog), which then lived with my grandma. My parents got the council to take away the mummy dog, times have changed and it would not have happened today.

I remember that Jojo had a wound on his head and there were worms coming out! I think he did heal from it eventually (with some powder from the vet). Jojo died of old age, he was getting really sick and had to be put down. He was left at the vet, I hope he had a proper burial. We haven’t been back to grandparents place for a while and Black Jack got sick too. I somehow have the memory that he died 4 weeks after Jojo, and somehow had similar symptoms. Black Jack had waited for us for the last time even though he was so sick. He passed away after we left our grandma’s place. 4th August seems to ring a bell.

I miss Jojo – our time together has been a tame and he was like the grandfather of all my other furbabies.

I miss Black Jack – it’s unfortunate I can’t find any photos of him and my strongest memory of him is how loyal he was that he had to wait to see us before taking his last breath. I wished we could be there earlier so he didn’t have to suffer longer than he needed to.

I am sorry for what happened to Black Jack’s mum. If we have other options, and we are more educated on how to manage stray dogs and understood what the council actually does – things may have turned out differently. I wonder of Jojo did ever forgive us for what was done by to the so call more superior beings - the humans. I would not. 


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