Our First Love
The last posts have been focused very much on pregnancy,
anticipating the arrival of a new love in our life. But, I would also like to
take this time to share some stories about our First Love since being Mr and
Mrs Hunter.
This is her. Born on 2nd May 2012, we only got to
see her about 3 weeks later. I can’t remember how many siblings she has but you
can tell the different character that shone through each of them. BH liked her
from the very start, not greedy with food (unlike some of the other pups), and
filled with energy and wanting to play all the time. I think he didn’t know
what he was in for. But here she is with us now, the firecracker of our life, and
we are enjoying every moment with her.
We went back to finalise the “adoption” and brought her back
when she was about 6 weeks old – sometime in mid June 2012. And here are some
photos of her little self back then.
(She didn't actually use it as a bed, ended up being her chew toy instead. Luckily the "mattress" base is still in good condition and she now uses it as her head pillow - oh, how much she has grown since!)
(Always had a lazy sleeping, not really alert/guard dog material when it comes to sleeping time!)
(Can't stop them from wanting to chew, but that's what we all need to know about raising puppies and can't get angry about it - it is the puppy phase!)
(Who is cuter? Duh! Of course the fluff ball with green paws!)
Her name has the acronym MK, but the hubby calls her in many
different way MKCN, CKMK, Boofalla, Butt Head amongst others, but she knows her
name is MK.
As I am writing this, I kept looking at her and can see how
much she has grown, but still as adorable and lovable as always (although sometimes she does
make me scream). So much love… always. I don’t know what I will do
without her in my life. I wish I can be there for her as much as she has been
there for me, but I feel that I often don’t spend enough time with her. Like
now – as I’m typing this, she is dozing off while facing me. But I will go sit next to her shortly (although she is not much of the cuddly and wanting to hang out with boring person like me)
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