What I remember about 2nd trimester

I wished I had documented my pregnancy journey a little better. Now that I’m post Week 36, I can’t remember much of what happened since my last post.

My last post was on 1st trimester, but included photos up to Week 20.

I guess the split of weeks into trimester is somewhat:
Week 0 – Week 13: First Trimester
Week 14 – Week 26: Second Trimester
Week 27 – Week 40: Third Trimester

Let’s see what I can recall about 2nd trimester… That should be about mid December 2015 to early March.

They say the best pregnancy time is during this period, and I have to admit I do agree! Although my 'nice period' is shorter than what I hoped for (as my nausea continued into early 2nd trimester and the un-fun feeling of 3rd trimester came even before I hit the timeline), it’s that time when you feel mostly blissful and looking forward to the new addition to the family.

Sharing of Happy News!
Immediate family members were informed after the 2nd scan (at about Week 8). We told our close friends and a few other family members over Christmas events (Week 15-16). I didn’t tell work until Week 18 (I was fairly tiny still before then) but my manager already knew at Week 8-9 (I had to, with all the days off and visits to the different doctors and tests). We took quite a while to announce to the world (i.e. facebook). I would like to wait until a late as possible, but at the same time there are some other friends and extended family we want to share the news with, just not as convenient.

Pregnancy Fashion
I was definitely getting bigger, but still small-ish in comparison with many others of the same stage. So fortunately I could still fit in many of my clothes but not for long. Target has the best, most comfortable work pants. Mum did sew some loose top/dresses for me in the past in anticipation that it will come in useful for days like these. Borrowed some tops from my SIL. Got some off eBay and bits and pieces from around, and I think I did well – I did not buy too many. Mum sent over some clothes too which was really comfy for home.

When else to go on Babymoon but when you are feeling your pregnancy best! We booked a trip to Mornington Peninsular much early in the days and off we went. We didn’t get to do too much, but mainly just relax and taking the time off to enjoy each other’s company. MKCN didn’t enjoy staying at the holiday home, but she loved the beach!

I am too worried with flights during pregnancy. I always feel it does funny thing to my hormones, so Mornington Peninsular is just perfect. BH took this opportunity to share some photos and announced it to the rest of the world - which is really, Facebook. This was sometime in March. 

Eat, eat and eat … and gain, gain and gain
Of course when you are pregnant, you have all the excuse to eat and when you gain – blame it all on the water retention and the bub (although she hardly weigh 1kg). My cravings for sweet stuff intensified and guess where it landed me to – Gestational Diabetes! I think by the end of 2nd trimester I have put on more than 10kg, and that’s why the weight starting getting hard on my body. But well, good food makes one feel great, so hard to stay away when you can always blame it on someone else who is supposedly craving for it!

Pregnancy Glow - I am not convinced there is such a thing. Maybe it’s just the extra layer of oil shining on your face. LOL. Sometimes I look tired, sometimes I look inflated with water retention. I guess I can be quite pleased I didn't look "fat", just "pregnant". 

Belly progression: Week 20, Week 24, Week 26, Week 28. 


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