Bleeding, Pregnancy, Grave’s

It’s now 2 days of heavy bleeding and it is frustrating because I’m still having tummy cramps after 2 days. Severe cramps, accompanied by cold sweat, vomiting, and diarrhoea, normally last less than 8 hours. Thank goodness this time is just very bad cramp, not the extreme severe case. It has been ages since I experienced bad cramps. That’s because I have been good with my Evening Primrose Oil. For those who need a resolution for bad period episodes, take Evening Primrose Oil regularly, especially before your period. It works wonder for me!

And then I was on multi-vitamins while trying for pregnancy and my period screwed up, good cause no period drama but bad because it’s the cause of stress and/or Grave’s disease which makes for unsuccessful pregnancy attempts.
About over a month ago I thought I was facing pregnancy symptoms. High basal temperature, ovulation tests which seem to stay positive like almost forever, achy legs and arms, hungry quite often, waking up to pee middle of the night, higher heart rate, sparse or somewhat almost non-existence period. Only thing missing was the positive on the pregnancy test. Many of the pregnancy symptoms are “fake”, or rather something our mind imagines being because we want to believe so.  We were trying for several months and I suspected it is because of the stress that is associated with it. But little did I know, these symptoms and failed attempts were very likely due to hyperthyroid.

Apparently, thyroid problem is a common problem but often it gets ignored or just comes and goes.  When my heart rate was beating way above 100bpm, and my hands are shaking too often and consistently it was time to see the doctor. First blood test confirmed hyperthyroid activities. Second blood test and thyroid ultrasound led to the diagnosis of Grave’s disease.

I’m surprised how fast time flies, and how quick my emotion has changed. In reality it has only been less than 1 month when I was first diagnosed. The first three weeks was much more stressful than trying-to-be-pregnant stress. I’m into the 4th week of my condition and I have to say, I’m coping well except for the fact that it has returned a full blown period kick to me after many months of confused period cycle.

Things could have been worse. I could have gotten pregnant and living with this condition which could affect the health of both baby and mum. Some people with thyroid problem actually have thyroid cancer, I am fortunate that it’s just my thyroid misbehaving and not because it is attacked by cancerous cells. Grave’s disease may sound like a scary name and it is incurable, possible remission but never confirmed full recovery – it is fortunately not as bad as many other diseases out there.

So here I am today, taking period leave, rest and watch some good tv, took MK out to the big park with nice grass for her to run around, waiting for my husband to be home from his work drinks, and then having the dilemma of deciding what to eat for dinner.

Life goes on, as long as you are still breathing...


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