Loving the green grass, blue sky

Blue sky, green grass, big tree, white fluffy thing on a Spring Sunday.

This is our little girl – MKCN, as the husband calls her sometimes. She’s a Taurus, just like me. So no surprise if her behaviour is just like me – whether that’s good or bad, I guess that is up to the beholder to decide for him/herself.

We took her out for 2 car rides to 2 different destinations today, a rare occasion indeed. She had some pizza for dinner and enjoyed her sniffs and adventure in a green carpeted house. She loves tall grass, so I guess green carpet would work for her too. She was tired and was resting in between the curtain and window, now she is outside enjoying the air of fresh drops of rain while cleaning up the oranges which were eaten by either the possums or birds or some other thing. Oh actually she is not outside, but sleeping against the wall facing the back door. Sign of tiredness.  Tiredness for her, comes from having a good time outside.


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