More Happy Moments

Since the last Happy Moments (July 2012), surely there are plenty more happy moments! But happy moments cannot be made up or cannot be thought about during the spur of the moment. It just happens, sometimes it passes by and may or may never come back, but sometimes it lingers for a while. Often it is the not so happy moments that don’t seem to go away, that’s why it is important to take some time to pause regularly to think about the happy moments. There will always be happy moments, no matter what happens. There will always be something worth smiling, worth feeling nice about.

HM 46: I love MK! She makes me smile and fill me with happiness

HM 47: Finally, B is actually having some fruits! KIWI is probably one of the very few fruits he enjoys.

HM 48: I feel appreciated when someone says repeatedly that the reason they are still working in the same company is because of me

HM 49: I am glad we chose to buy in this area, it is actually not too far away from the city – compared to some of the other more populate places

HM 50: It’s Wednesday, just 2 more workdays til the weekend is here

HM 51: I love weekends, or rather non work days

HM 52: I’m smiling as I watch MK trying to stay awake but her eye lids trying to close repeatedly

HM 53: My parents finally seen MK and my house. I know they both miss MK

HM 54: DD makes me smile too, and he’s a big fan of my parents, especially my mum!


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